
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


managed to fix my spending to fix a day pass to a great gym bang smack in the centrum of Amsterdam.Happy Lyndso! :)

morning circut: walking 'H'planks x4
                          burpees x 4

          10kg dumbell upright row
          20kg front squats
         10 kg kneeling overhead press
      ( x 6 )

burpee knee tucks with push up (30sec) x 4
stretch ..!! ;)

evening session:

rower 4 min
stretch out
primal movements on the floor (12min)

seated leg press
lat p-down
disc swivels (10kg)
x 5

3min sprints x3 (2min active rest(walk) between each 3min sprint)
(30on 30 off) (20on 20 off) on... the town of Amsterdam for our last night!! :) Winning! ;)