
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


managed to fix my spending to fix a day pass to a great gym bang smack in the centrum of Amsterdam.Happy Lyndso! :)

morning circut: walking 'H'planks x4
                          burpees x 4

          10kg dumbell upright row
          20kg front squats
         10 kg kneeling overhead press
      ( x 6 )

burpee knee tucks with push up (30sec) x 4
stretch ..!! ;)

evening session:

rower 4 min
stretch out
primal movements on the floor (12min)

seated leg press
lat p-down
disc swivels (10kg)
x 5

3min sprints x3 (2min active rest(walk) between each 3min sprint)
(30on 30 off) (20on 20 off) on... the town of Amsterdam for our last night!! :) Winning! ;)




Sunday, July 29, 2012


Okay so despite some passport issues everything is going well :) London was great craic and got to the Olympic village which was cool
Spent the night in Brussels and toured the town a bit..very tired carrying...sorry...lugging...our rucksacks around...also loving the stairs everywhere...wonderful! ;)
Staying a a friends home outside of brussels for few days...cant wait. We will change up our training a bit as she is a zumba instructor and she will put us through some fun paces im sure..looking forward to it..but my god is it hot and humid!! :) ciao for now!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Workout nr.2

Side way planks
X3 (30 sec each)

Bodyweight squats
Single leg step ups 7 each leg
X 5 ( 30 sec each fast)

Knee tucks
Fast step ups
X3 (20sec each )

Monday, July 16, 2012


2 thin slices of bread bread , smoked salmon, spinach leaves, turkey bacon, and 1 poached egg. usual seasonings: cracked pepper, olive oil drizzle...i said drizzle not a bowel of oil ;)

black coffee small ( airport wait)

1 soft avocado (ripe) ..its the ONLY way to eat em folks! unless you like eating hard things that taste like crayons hehe(olive oil, lemon and pinch of sea salt)

mangetout pea's lightly tossed in the wok in hot coconut oil
two grilled fillets of salmon chopped into flakes and mixed with the mangetout...seriously delish for an experimental god!!!

Green tea

*Workout at 645*- 1 litre of water (funk spartacus workout 3 full sets of all 10 excersises) SOLID!

post workout vanilla protien shake with milled flaxseed (200mls)


grilled turkey bacon , spinach and 1 boiled egg from earlier

camomille tea
chilllllll with stupid grin on my face :D

finally picking up Marque and Ivonne tomorrow! :)

Day 1 Spartacus approach ;-)

OK so i may have made a slight hiccup with reading the itinerary :) but in my defence.... On the sheet of Aer Lingus information for Marque's flight did not mention 17th of July once...just that she departs on the 16th from LAX and on 16th from Chicago arriving at Dublin 0815...(obvious now that it is the next day but hey!...i let that wee bit of info squeeze pass...hehe! Not to worry good trial run and thankfully we live close to the airport. So I said I'd start the 16th so I'm going to :) A work out provided by Mr. Funk (Marc) Roberts from If you type in his name you will find an abundance of great information for all your health and conditioning needs.and its a plus that he's a cool guy too :) It will be interesting to do this for the sheer fact that I have not done this specific workout in over 10months. As some of you may or may not know... I suffered a set back of medial cruciate ligament in December and had succesful knee reconstructive operation in January. Since then i have been focusing on my rehabiliatation day in and out and the hard work is paying of nicely :) I know this because I almost have no pain and i am able to jump move alot better now. All down to focussed gradual training and adequete diet..(but we'll talk about that later on ;-) Here's a link of one of his sites: Below you will find part 1 of todays session, click on Part 2 to get entire workout :-) , i will add food diary in another post :) enjoy. LC

Spartacus Workout Part 1 - Funk Roberts

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Outline of our Journey to date: July 16th - 20st - Ireland July 21st -23rd - UK July 24th - Paris France July 25th-27th- Belgium July 28th-Aug 1st- Germany Aug 2-4th - Poland Aug 5th Prague- bus Aug 6th - Milan eurostar train Aug 7th -8th-Geneva here is where i am stuck.... this willl be epic...but ALOT OF EXHAUSTING travelling...need to sleep on this one...hmmmmm Choice 1: go south toward Madrid and get flight back Choice 2: Go North back to Paris an flight to Dublin Choice 3: traing to Cherbourg -Rosslare ....Rosslare-Dublin :) Marque's return flight is Aug 14th so things will start to tighten up and I think if we return by Aug 11th we'll be all good and MAYBE have some cash left! :-)