
Thursday, May 31, 2012

42day countdown ...I guess we should start planning places to go then!

Well I've decided to go forth with a documented account of our journey...Before...During and After! Yes there will be pictures,and video's and of course our live response to different things Marque and I encounter along our travels. One thing is for sure...If one of us is ill or injured or sick..Marque is paramedic queen..and I'm good at acting so..we could create a pretty intense headline for a European city hehe! (I'm jokin of course) But I also recently qualified for BLS Basic Life Saving course.. in-case Marque decides to choke on something! :D..hehe! Our aim is to get to see as many things as possible. So far the countries we have planned to visit are: Ireland ,UK ,France, Belgium, Germany, Poland ( <3 )...and we see whats on the cards in between... Marque has extended her trip as of last-night so, instead of 2.5 weeks, now we have a whole MONTH of playtime!It's her first time in Europe so we have to smother her in as many wonderful cultures as possible! I'll post some more up once i have an idea...we are open to suggestions of places to visit always..just leave a trail of cupcakes..and we shall follow them..:D That'
s it for now , stay tuned we have a lot ahead of us and maybe next time someone out there can join us!( name one! :D ) Ciao for now! LC

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