
Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 1 Spartacus approach ;-)

OK so i may have made a slight hiccup with reading the itinerary :) but in my defence.... On the sheet of Aer Lingus information for Marque's flight did not mention 17th of July once...just that she departs on the 16th from LAX and on 16th from Chicago arriving at Dublin 0815...(obvious now that it is the next day but hey!...i let that wee bit of info squeeze pass...hehe! Not to worry good trial run and thankfully we live close to the airport. So I said I'd start the 16th so I'm going to :) A work out provided by Mr. Funk (Marc) Roberts from If you type in his name you will find an abundance of great information for all your health and conditioning needs.and its a plus that he's a cool guy too :) It will be interesting to do this for the sheer fact that I have not done this specific workout in over 10months. As some of you may or may not know... I suffered a set back of medial cruciate ligament in December and had succesful knee reconstructive operation in January. Since then i have been focusing on my rehabiliatation day in and out and the hard work is paying of nicely :) I know this because I almost have no pain and i am able to jump move alot better now. All down to focussed gradual training and adequete diet..(but we'll talk about that later on ;-) Here's a link of one of his sites: Below you will find part 1 of todays session, click on Part 2 to get entire workout :-) , i will add food diary in another post :) enjoy. LC


  1. Looks really good...tough but good ,best of luck to both of you :) Will you be posting before and after pictures?

    1. i like the thoguht of it yes. If Marque agree's to it, perhaps we will and reveal ALL at the end of our tour :) thanks for reading

  2. will you chase chickens ?!!!
