
Monday, July 2, 2012

Ok so I've come to an awesome idea to continue to influence all people to live healthy lives at all times...including your vacation time!! Sick of hearing people making excuses that they were on holiday and put on 5,10,15 nonsense pounds...FIFTEEN POUNDS!!!! its madness and can be avoided. As most of you know I am already am part of many fitness and health networks around the world , I wish to demonstrate a piece of everyones genius on my page with video of each workout , photo's and small posts about it all. Of course its not just workouts nonstop..but also selection of cheap, healthy, differnt foods and how to make the best decsion on holiday to achieve your goal in not becoming a slob over a holiday..or in life in general. Right now i am about to contact some of my chums to send me some workouts for the journey..Hopefully they are kind and make me lift heavy things and ensure i have a sore body only every 3rd day. hehe! ..afterall i am on vacation! So thats it...this is my mission..and i intend to complete it! :) I cant wait to feel great ,have the best holiday ever, enjoy my guilt free delicious continental meals , enjoy the weather and look great after it all! Its possible , and I'm taking on the job to prove it can be done. If i can manage a TAN with all of would be JUUUST perfect...we'll see what my Irish skin allows! Ciao for now guys and gals... 2 weeks to prepare...LETS DO THIS!!!! LC


  1. wow! good luck lyndsey! :) all the best from Boston, MA

  2. hi there , thanks for reading :) im excited,it should be interesting fun trip! :)

  3. I cant believe you didnt invite me on this! :/ please buy me a ticket to come with you!!just kidding chick ;) ,enjoy and be careful with the knee , i'll be watching!!! :)
    -Becka x

    1. hah! your nuts! :D get your ass over here then and join the fun!!there is still time!love to have you over :) x

  4. hi , what equpitment will you bring or is it in different gyms or what?

    1. :) Hi Mandy ,good question....still trying to figure that one out...perhaps mostly bodyweight excercises but if I can get my hands on some easy to carry stuff for a loan...i'll bring it and post sessions with it most definitly. :)

  5. I wish i could do this ! I'll be watching too! What food will you bring or what kind of supplements do or will you use?>

    1. Hi AJ , Also a good question...I will be writing a post on the little extra bits i will be bringing along with me to avoid CRAZY holiday costs. But what I can say is that i will definitly be bringing some multivits, fishoils, Green Tea and chamomile tea...100% on that one ;)
      thanks for dropping in pal , you wont be dissapointed when you watch !All the best :)

    2. :) Great thanks for the reply Lyndsey , I think it's an amazing idea and I think maybe you should do it with a group of people sometime! maybe i could come!! something to think about? :)
